It is needless to say that God is my lifelong greatest supporter and second is my Husband. Without either one of them, I would be lost. It has been hard letting my guards down and summiting fully to them. Most people do not express that struggles they have letting it all go for God and I know women have insecurities about trusting everything in a man; so I will be the first to say, “I Have, I Did it and It Feels Great”. Building my relationship and trust with my husband was commanded by God. I thank God I have a husband that believes in Him and fear Him enough to honor the vow we both made to each other and to God. I know that without their support my life would be in tremor. It’s hard for me to imagine living my life any differently. I enjoy knowing that I am loved, that I will be provided for and that they will ever leave my side.

A challenge that I never wants to face is the absent of God in my life. He is the thread that keeps my relationship with my husband, children and grandparents together. He is the reason that I have the love and passion I carry in me to be able to change the negative outcome with children in my grasp. I remember the time that I did not care for Him as I should and He still breathed life into me every day. I don’t want to go back to just existing; I want to live abundantly in His grace.