Saturday, October 27, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

I hope that I can make such a positive and beneficial effect on the lives of the children and families from diverse backgrounds that they will embrace who they are and have the confidence and knowledge to be proud of their diversity.

My goal is to be a successful advocate that help others understand that it is imperative that we educate our early childhood children about whom they are and how diversity is a part of them. I will reveal the inequities that exist and provide alternative solutions that will promote equity to all the children and families. And I will encourage children to learn how to interact with other with the intention of giving them respect and interacting with them to build on social justice.

I would like to thank everyone for sharing their culture with me. I have a better understanding that in our differences that we all have the desire to be more united. I feel that unity by the statements and shared desires of my colleagues and I concur that we can make a change and a difference in the world we live in if we start by intergrading awareness of diversity with our children and families. We have the power to motive, encourage, and implant a desire to work together in the minds of our children especially if they are taught to embrace diversity both their and others.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World



The origin of the family I choose is from Mexico. The five ways that I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards them is keep open communication with the family, support family native language, be aware of family culture and beliefs, provide resources to help family meet their goals, and involve them in make decisions about their child’s education.     

I will ensure that the family and child will be able to communicate with someone in the class from their native language. It is important to help the family and child to be able to continue to use their home language while they learn English in their effort to become dual-learners. I will learn how to greet them in their language to show that communicating with them in vital to providing the child with the best education they can receive. I will schedule home visits and parent conferences to ensure that they are able to share information or concerns with me in a private and nurturing environment.   

I will ask the family about their beliefs and culture. I will learn as much possible to ensure that I am respectful of their beliefs and culture. I will hang pictures of diversity that reflect the people and places from their previous country. I will be aware of any food restrictions or allergic reaction that the child has. I will ask for their advice on how I can implement what is important to the family into the classroom. I will put familiar objects in the class so that it will feel comfortable and I will encourage the child and family to share customs during show and tell.
I will support family by providing contacts with resources within their community that can meet personal needs. There are some many resources that can aid the family in adjusting to the changes that they have endured in the new country. I will build a solid partnership with the family that will encourage them to be active and involve in the direction of their child’s education. I will be inviting and approachable to guarantee that the family, regardless of the type of family it is, will be at ease discussing concerns or make suggestion.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

I have been exposed to all types of bias, prejudice and oppression because I am an African American woman. In my move to San Antonio, I have been exposed to a new environment and the Hispanic culture. Even thought there are many mixed cultures here, I stand out more because I am Black and I look Black. When my husband and I go places, we get strange looks because we are both African American. It is common to see blacks coupled with any other race but their own; yet, there are Mexicans couples and White couples and it is ok. It is so obvious that when we see other black couples they tend to make sure we greet each other. I don’t really understand it and why it is not expected that African American’s couples would exist.

 I have also noticed that it is important to the Hispanics community that you to be aware of their culture, types of foods and beliefs; I too believe that it is important. I promote and teach families the need to hold on to your culture and language. Unfortunately, I do not get the same type of respect and have to sometime make people aware of the biases that they are presenting towards me. I am a very strong, out spoken person that respects other and demands the same gratitude or I merely remove myself from the circumstances.
I love who I am; the history of my people, the religion that I believe in and I want others to pronounce their enthusiasm. We have to be careful not to force want we believe on others and respect their choices.