Sunday, January 8, 2012

Birth in China

In China, there are a lot of superstition beliefs of the does and don’ts of pregnant women. The mother and father participate in a tradition to eat certain foods so that can ensure desired sex of child. They must avoid the presents of foul language because it will curse the baby and invoke demons.  If there are any deformations of the baby it is blamed strictly on the mother. They do not encourage the mother to physically interact with her fetus because it will cause the child to become too demanding for attention.

After birth, the age of babies is considered same as the months the mother carried them. For example, if the child is born in the mother’s 7 month the child is 7months. Words of praise to babies are not encouraged because it is believed to summons evil. We all have superstition and traditions that makes us different from other nations or cultures.    

There are a few similarities in our different cultures. Their women are encouraged to work and eat nutritionally so that they will have an easy labor. The community gathers to celebrate the arrival of the new member of the family with relatives and friends.

Baby and birth in China, Retrieved Jan, 8, 2012 from                                                                                                         


  1. Katrice,
    Great posting, as I find that very interesting about the Chinese culture not interacting with their fetus, I would find that to be difficult to do, as this miracle/gift is developing inside you and you not talk, sing, or pray for him or her. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Katrice,
    I find all of these superstitions very interesting. When I did my research on Turkey for me posting, they also follow superstitions throughout the pregnancy and birth. I could not imagine not interacting with my fetus while I am pregnant because it is such an amazing experience but if these are the beliefs one grew up with then it would be custom to follow them. It is very interesting to see different traditions/customs that are practiced around the world during pregnancies and births.

  3. Hi Katrice, I think it is interesting that there is so much superstition around pregnancy in China. I think it is really sad that the mother gets blamed if there is any deformity with the child. Having to deal with a child with a deformity would be hard enough, but it must be terrible to live with the guilt that you somehow caused it. There is a lady who goes to my church from China and she was telling us that women have to stay in bed for a long period of time after giving birth – several weeks I think. I initially thought that sounded pretty good, especially since you are always so tired as a new mother, or at least I was. But then I realized that I would probably be bored out of my mind! Thanks for sharing. Delores
