I love the determination of this little caterpillar.
I can literally see my journey to education in the caterpillar’s travel of exploration. Just like the caterpillar after hatching from the egg, I have had a hunger to consume as much possible to become a better educator. This hunger has developed to be a passion driven with determination to more qualified to teach. In life, I have eaten not all but just what I needed before going to the next level. After years of munching through varies trainings, continual education and devoted time with the children, I have revolved to be a teacher that loves what I am doing every day. But the twist is that I have no need to go into a cocoon, I want the classrooms that I teach in to become a cocoon for the children I serve. I want to be able to give them all that they need and at the end of the year there will be bright beautiful butterflies everywhere. In hopes of making a change in the world with their beauty.
I love the way you related this book to your personal life! So many people go through life just consuming all the "food" but never taking the most important step- going into the cocoon in order to process everything they have consumed in order to be the very best they could be. This makes me think of a quote I saw yesterday "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly" by Richard Bach.
ReplyDeleteI also love the way you related your life to your book. I understand where your coming from like teaching kids as much as possible so they can change the world because they are our future.