Sunday, January 8, 2012

My First Born

I can remember the long hours of labor that I endured and other complications that followed. But my only true concern was my baby, not myself. I began to wonder if I did my best; if the areas that I lacked in was the cause of the delay of her birth. So many things go on in my head of all the many things I could have done better when presented in this crises. Now time is out, my anxiety is building and I began to pray.

Heavily sedated I hear the words, “It’s a Girl” then I wait for the sound of her cry. Now if I can just see her, count her fingers and toes and introduce myself to her, my worries will be over. I had always been told the stories of child birth and how it was important to look for those things. I did not know all the things I have learned about in our first week of class about the embryonic stages and how her brain development could have been affected or damaged. I realized how blessed I am that she was fine inside and out.


 Berger, K. S. (2009). The developing person through childhood (5th ed.). New York,
              NY:Worth Publishers.

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