Sunday, November 11, 2012

Communication skills and styles

For this assignment I decided to watch one of my got to watch shows “Tamar & Vince”. There was one problem. How could I watch t without hearing what they were saying? I just could must that. My husband doesn’t even talk to me when that comes on because I don’t want to miss one word. So I decided to record it so that I can review it in its entirety after the assignment. Thank God for DVR’s. LOL.

My observation was very intense for me. I noticed a lot of hand gestures, rolling of the hand, expressive facial movements and total body communication. I noticed that they used just as much nonverbal communication as they actually used words; especially Tamar. I even found myself calling out her possible mood at that time. All I can say drama queen!!!! And Vince communication was totally the opposite. He did not use his body and facial gesture when he was calm and talking. He keep that same look most of the time unless he go annoyed or upset.  Vince has not distinct look that he display’s when he is listening to something that he feels is untruth or over extreme. Just from the interaction I could predict the next responds.

When I reviewed the show with the sound, it was still exciting but not as dramatic as I thought. I realized that Tamar is a lot of mouth; however, I learned that she is more animated with movements and gestures than words. The excited moments I anticipated were not as dramatic as I assumed. For every word she made there were at least 5 moments. I noticed that her tone was always high and it was high.  Vince also surprised me. There were times that I thought from his blank look and calmness that he was being passive and allowing her to lead; on the contrary, That look meant “I don’t want to hear no more. That’s it!”.

This was a great assignment. It helped me realized that gestures, body movements and facial expression does not always convey the situation. Sometimes it takes a little more interaction to determine the state of the circumstances before you. When have to experience that whole package to get a clearer understanding.


  1. Hi Katrice,
    I have never watched "Tamar and Vince". It seems to be a very exciting show and this was truly an experience to watch shows with and without the sound. I think there are a lot of hand gestures and head gestures in many of the sitcoms. Great post!

  2. Hello Katrice,

    I definitely think you made an excellent choice for a show that has an abundance of communication skills and styles. Having been a fan of the show, "The Braxton's", I have had a chance to see a few episodes of, "Tamar and Vince", and I know Tamar all to well. I agree with you that Tamar is definitely one person that communicates immensely with her hands, body language, and yes especially her signature head movements. And this particular couple is also a great example of two completely opposites, when it comes to communication styles. Vince is definitely more laid back, less dramatic, and even at times a little harder to read, when it comes to his facial expressions, and his body language. But I think this show, as well this couple, really does prove the point you made, and that is sometimes a person's gestures, facial expressions, and body language, doesn't always effectively convey the situation at the time. Great Job!

