Saturday, December 17, 2011

These Codes of Ethics from the NAEYC and DEC that I have chosen to display is meaningful to me because respecting my children and parents is a personal goal that helps me to accomplish excellent communication with them. Ensuring that I am providing a safe environment for my students to learn in is also a goal that I will continually enforce. And communication breaks boundaries and bridges healthy professional relationships with parents and agencies that provide services for my students.

I-1.3 - To recognize and respect the unique qualities,

abilities, and potential of each child.

P-1.1 - Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall

not participate in practices that are emotionally

damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading,

dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to

children. This principle has precedence over all

others in this Code.

I-2.4 - To listen to familes, acknowedge and build upon 

their strengths and competencies, and learn from

families as we support them in their task of nurturing


P-2.5 - We shall make every effort to communicate

effectively with all families in a language that they

understand. We shall use community resources for

translation and interpretation when we do not have

sufficient resources in our own programs.


  1. Hi Katrice,

    If we recognize the importance of families and help families understand their participation positively contributes to the development of the child, then we EC professionals have done our jobs as advocates for the fieid. thanks for sharing your ideals!

  2. Hi Katrice, P-1.1 is very important. I think that teachers and adults sometimes unintentionally use practices that cause emotional harm and intimidation to children. This can lead to low self-esteem in our children. I think it is important for us in the early childhood field to be cognizant of this and to ensure that our practices do not harm children.
