Saturday, May 19, 2012

Childhood Poverty in West Africa

I visited Save the Children website and I read and observed some heartbreaking videos and pictures concerning children in Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Burkina Faso Africa that are and have been having starvation issues for years. It is so sad to see children having to experience their body demonstrating because of lack of nutrition. Their bodies are under weight, deformed and shutting down because their land is experiencing a shortage of crops, clean drinking water and medicine. This is not affecting 1 or 2 million people but 18 million people in only West Africa. What is happening? Why is it so hard to provide food, water and medicine for families that are unable to provide for themselves?
Save the Children is asking for donations to aid them in their quest to reverse this disaster. They convey that, “are already reaching nearly 300,000 of the most vulnerable children and their families in west Africa with food and livelihoods support, helping prevent their situations from becoming too desperate”(Save the Children). This site provides interesting reading and related blogs to follow the crisis West Africa is dealing with. But most important they provide a link that will guide you in becoming a contributor of the Africa Appeal.

These imagines are now a part of me and will never leave my mind. I thought that children during today's times were not still experiencing the affects of poverty in such an extreme manner. I will be getting involved, becoming an advocate for Saving the Children and aiding them in their efforts to find monies and resources to help them with food, water and medicine. I hope you join me.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello Katrice,
    Thanks for sharing information on the situations in West Africa. Access to clean drinking water if anything, is what we here in the United States take for granted. The children suffer from the effects of poverty and in the countries of this region I am sure it is not just due to economics. Political instability and famine, I am sure, play a major part in lack in this area of Africa. The dire need of supplies for the people present an urgent situation I hope there will be relief soon.
