Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I received an email invitation to Highscope end of the school year workshop. I have received invites all the time from them with wonderful subjects and trainings; however, this summer training caught my one because it is very closely related to some of the courses and class study that I have examined during obtaining my Masters with Walden. With all of the recent studies and findings it is good to see that there are research foundations that are assisting educators with the knowledge, tools and resources that gives them the ability to implement proven techniques into their classroom. It was interesting to see all the focus of Infancy, toddlers, early childhood and pre-k; even more, to see a workshop about English language learners. HighScope is an excellent source of resource for educating children; it specializes in the support of education through play experiences and exploration. I have copied a link to the website of the email. Please take a look at what they have to offer. I only listed a few that related to our studies.

This organization has always given me guidance or subject when it comes to providing me with different approaches and techniques of how to stimulate my children curiosity while promoting a balance in their education. It challenges me and continues to help me to become a better educator. Here are the topics of some of their summer workshops:

Introduction to the HighScope Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
June 18–22 or August 20–24, 2012

Promoting Language Development for English Language Learners June 18–21 or July 30–Aug 2, 2012

Promoting Academic Content in Pre-K Classrooms July 16–19 or Aug 6–9, 2012

HighScope and Early Head Start — A Perfect Match June 25–28, 2012

After overlooking the email, I took a tour into their News and Info and under Hot topic I saw an interesting title. It stated
President's Report — Legislative Briefing, 3/21/2011. The president of Highscope, Larry Schwenhart spoke with 40 legislators early childhood educator and business leaders at their Highscope foundation to discuss early childhood in the state. Many areas of the class study were mentioned address. There was specialist that talked about the early development of the brain when exposed to education. But what stood out more to me was a statement made directly from Larry Schwenhart, he reclaimed that; “I spoke of the effects of HighScope’s Perry Preschool program in childhood and adulthood and of the enormous economic return on investment in the program — $16 for every dollar invested, which is a better return than the long-term return on the stock market before the recession” (Schwenhart, 2011)

And is that statement still true today? What can HighScope be doing that is bringing so much revenue? How can they provide guidance for other early childhood programs so that our economy and education for early childhood children can get better at the same time?

Here is the link to the article:

Schwenhart, L. (2011, March 21). President Report. Retrieved from HighScope Educational Research Foundation:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katrice,

    I really enjoyed your post this week in regards to the HighScope Trainings, that you were invited to attend this summer. As a person who teaches HighScope herself not only in the classroom, But also in trainings for new teachers on HighScope curriculum, I am a big advocate for the HighScope curriculem. I have also been involved in presenting various workshops for teachers on English Language Learners in the classroom. And I have to say these are wonderful and informative trainings and workshops that really can help provide teachers, especially new teachers, with the information and tools they need to implement these lessons and techniques into their classrooms with the children. Great Job and I hope you have a wonderful and rewarding experience in the workshops.

