Saturday, July 7, 2012

Your Personal Research Journey

“How do young children learn, grow and develop?” Is the topic I chose select. This is a subject during my quest to obtain my masters that has been enlightened to my pervious knowledge of how I thought children learn. It has been electrifying to learn how everything is connected and how children need a balance in their life early so that they will be able to fight the obstacles they will face. Finding subtopics is not had for this subject because it takes so many factors to help children learn, grow and develop but figuring out which method of research to use is going to be my challenge.
Deductive research methodology seems to look easy; however, the hypothesis is not going to easy to write. I am not sure if I will become to truly understand research enough to become a researcher; nevertheless, I will give it my best. Which method of research seems to interest you the most?


  1. Katrice,
    I certainly applaud your honesty with attempting to find the right style of research that will fit you.I gather that we will learn and will be able to assist others when all is said and done. This is a journey that like you, I will be obliged to embark upon. Happy researchin'
    Sheila Lee

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I will post later today. Your question is very interesting. I would love to know more about how children learn,grow and develop. As far as the method of research I would use; deductive approach and the quantitative design because as Chapter 8 says:"this approach is the preferred choice for some types of research questions"(Mac Naughton,,2010).

  3. Hi Katrice,
    I really enjoyed reading your Blog post this week, and I completely agree with you when it comes to the importance of finding out just how children learn, grow, and develop. And your right in researching this topic, you will be able to find so much information on this subject, but I understand your concerns when it comes to the choice of research method. I also have those same kind of concerns, but I am sure once we begin to dive into our subject topics everything will just start to flow into the right directions. Great Job and I wish you all the luck as you begin your journey into the world of discovery and research.

