Saturday, October 27, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

I hope that I can make such a positive and beneficial effect on the lives of the children and families from diverse backgrounds that they will embrace who they are and have the confidence and knowledge to be proud of their diversity.

My goal is to be a successful advocate that help others understand that it is imperative that we educate our early childhood children about whom they are and how diversity is a part of them. I will reveal the inequities that exist and provide alternative solutions that will promote equity to all the children and families. And I will encourage children to learn how to interact with other with the intention of giving them respect and interacting with them to build on social justice.

I would like to thank everyone for sharing their culture with me. I have a better understanding that in our differences that we all have the desire to be more united. I feel that unity by the statements and shared desires of my colleagues and I concur that we can make a change and a difference in the world we live in if we start by intergrading awareness of diversity with our children and families. We have the power to motive, encourage, and implant a desire to work together in the minds of our children especially if they are taught to embrace diversity both their and others.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us the last wight weeks. It has been great to gain insight from you and learn more about diversity through your blog. I encourage you to continue to push for diversity and culture as an educator. We have to work so hard to make sure all of our students feel love and compassion as you stated above. I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.
