Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World



The origin of the family I choose is from Mexico. The five ways that I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards them is keep open communication with the family, support family native language, be aware of family culture and beliefs, provide resources to help family meet their goals, and involve them in make decisions about their child’s education.     

I will ensure that the family and child will be able to communicate with someone in the class from their native language. It is important to help the family and child to be able to continue to use their home language while they learn English in their effort to become dual-learners. I will learn how to greet them in their language to show that communicating with them in vital to providing the child with the best education they can receive. I will schedule home visits and parent conferences to ensure that they are able to share information or concerns with me in a private and nurturing environment.   

I will ask the family about their beliefs and culture. I will learn as much possible to ensure that I am respectful of their beliefs and culture. I will hang pictures of diversity that reflect the people and places from their previous country. I will be aware of any food restrictions or allergic reaction that the child has. I will ask for their advice on how I can implement what is important to the family into the classroom. I will put familiar objects in the class so that it will feel comfortable and I will encourage the child and family to share customs during show and tell.
I will support family by providing contacts with resources within their community that can meet personal needs. There are some many resources that can aid the family in adjusting to the changes that they have endured in the new country. I will build a solid partnership with the family that will encourage them to be active and involve in the direction of their child’s education. I will be inviting and approachable to guarantee that the family, regardless of the type of family it is, will be at ease discussing concerns or make suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. Katrice,

    You definitely have a handle on the important aspects of making a child and their family feel welcome. Finding resources that the family might need will go a long way in building the trust and respect of the family so that you can work as a team for the child's education! We use peer partners in our Head Start classrooms whenever possible. Sometimes, however, there are not any students who speak the same language as the child coming into the program. Including parents in the decision making process will also empower the parents.

    Thank you for sharing the great suggestions!
